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Granite View Dental
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Inlays & Onlays

A diagram showing what inlays and onlays look likeDamages can occur on teeth from infection, trauma, injury, decay, and gum disease. A cavitated tooth is not something you want to live with. Repairing a cavitated or decayed tooth allows you to prevent complications such as extreme pain, tooth loss, and additional treatments like root canals or dental implant placements. Luckily, our team at Granite View Dental is able to repair your tooth and improve its functionality and aesthetics. We use inlays and onlays when damage to a tooth affects most or more than half the chewing and biting surfaces of teeth.

What Are Dental Inlays and Onlays?

An inlay and onlay is a dental restoration for repairing damages on tooth surfaces from decay. These restorations are constructed of ceramic, composite resin, and gold. The pieces are applied and bonded to a tooth to repair and protect it from additional damage. An inlay works like a dental filling and is often used inside the tip areas of tooth cusps, the elevations found on chewing surfaces of teeth. Onlays, on the other hand, involve more significant reconstruction comparable to inlays; they stretch out over one or several tooth cusps.

Traditionally, dentists used gold as the preferred material for inlay and onlay procedures. But in recent times, porcelain has taken over gold as the popular material for inlays and onlays. The reason porcelain or ceramic has become popular is that it can take the natural color of teeth and has good strength.

Procedure for Inlays and Onlays

In most cases, installing inlays and onlays requires two visits to our office. When you come in, we first try to remove the decayed or damaged tissue in the tooth. We then clean the cavity or damaged area to make it free of bacteria, plaque, or food particles. We record an impression, which aids in ensuring the proper fit of the restorations. We take the mold or impression to a lab where we have the restorations made. Meanwhile, we apply a temporary sealant to protect the cleaned and prepared cavity and then schedule a later appointment.

Your second appointment involves the removal of the temporary sealant and fitting of the inlay or onlay. We make sure the restoration fits properly. When you are content with the piece and how it is fitted, we bond it permanently to the tooth. We use an adhesive resin to bond the tooth. Lastly, we polish the restoration to ensure an even finish.

Inlays and Onlays Aftercare Tips

Inlays and onlays will not change your oral hygiene practices, however, you should make sure you keep watch over certain areas of the teeth. Brush teeth and floss the same way you always have, but focus on interdental spaces because the inlays can extend to reach those areas. Avoid highly acidic substances or foods, including dark fruits, dairy, coffee, candy, and junk food or processed food. Do not forget to visit our office for the scheduled routine check ups and exams or as our dentist advises.

Schedule Your Appointment Now!

Make a trip to meet our team at Granite View Dental to find out about inlays and onlays. Contact us at (928) 589-1776 to book an appointment.

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Inlays & Onlays | Granite View Dental | Chino Valley, AZ
Granite View Dental is able to repair your tooth with inlays and onlays. When damage to a tooth affects most or more than half the chewing and biting surfaces of teeth.
Granite View Dental - Dr. Cheryl Ligon, 1260 Hwy., 89 Suite G, Chino Valley, AZ 86323 / (928) 589-1776 / / 2/12/2025 / Associated Words: dentist Chino Valley AZ /